Friday, 18 December 2020

After the Carols... What's Happing Next?

Please note, the Drive-In Carols have had to move online due to the Tier Four restrictions. See below this post.

Want to know more about Jesus? Faith? The Church?

If you enjoyed the carols and would like to find out more about Jesus you might be interested in one of the following events:

Online Alpha with Wormley Free Church
Tuesday 19th June, 2020 at 8pm



If you're looking for further Christmas Celebrations, have a look at our individual church websites where up to date details will be posted. Please be aware that due to the pandemic, these are subject to change, and physical services may require booking.

Hoddesdon Baptist Church Christmas Services

Christmas Family Service Sunday 20th December 10:00 am
Christmas Day Celebration Friday 25th December 10:00 am
You are very welcome to join us for any of our services. At the moment our services are on Zoom. Please see the front page of our website for log on details. If you would like to attend in person, to book a place, please email

Wormley Free Church


Sadly, due to the Tier Four restrictions announced today, we can non longer meet at Paradise Wildlife Park. HOWEVER, we are determined to celebrate Christmas, and so we are now holding it online instead! The service will be streamed at 5.30pm below, and will be available to catch up later. The song sheet can be downloaded here.